Being a mom is hard work. And it makes it doubly hard when we forget to focus on the good things throughout the day. I am challenging myself (and anyone else who is interested) to find at least one "mommy win" in every single day.

Small or big, a win is a win.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 23

Today I worked in the morning for a few hours and then babysat my niece and nephews for the rest of the afternoon. My little dude had a great time playing with his cousins, which was awesome.

He also managed to eat a huge amount of food today. I think I've learned something from this. He needs more little snacks throughout the day. Because today he ate: cereal for breakfast, a ham sandwich at lunch with Cheetos, another bowl of cereal about an hour after lunch, as well as another sandwich. When it came time for dinner, I was certain he wouldn't eat much at all. However, he surprised me completely by eating a good quarter of my food, some things that he's never tried before, and ate a ton without even batting an eye.

Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with this little man's appetite, and hopefully I'll be able to get a good snack schedule for him. You can really learn something new about your child every day, if you're paying attention.

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