Being a mom is hard work. And it makes it doubly hard when we forget to focus on the good things throughout the day. I am challenging myself (and anyone else who is interested) to find at least one "mommy win" in every single day.

Small or big, a win is a win.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Mommy Win - day 50

It is silly how much it matters to me how well he eats throughout the day. But today was an awesome eating day.

He ate two huge pancakes for breakfast, promptly asked for more (which I didn't have), then ate crackers and string cheese. Then he ate nearly 6 inches of a sandwich from Subway. For dinner tonight he ate a bunch of refried beans as well as half a chicken flauta, which he'd never tasted before. I love that he has really been willing to try more and more things without much prodding. It makes me feel like I'm doing something right. Who knows whether it actually has anything with what I'm doing, but I'll take credit where I can.

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