Being a mom is hard work. And it makes it doubly hard when we forget to focus on the good things throughout the day. I am challenging myself (and anyone else who is interested) to find at least one "mommy win" in every single day.

Small or big, a win is a win.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 46

A couple of things for today:

•• He counted to ten unprompted and completely on his own. I love seeing him learn so much. And it is especially nice because he is picking things up without us sitting and "practicing" over and over. I feel like our society is a little too obsessive about making sure our kids are "ready" for school, and that your child already has to know how to read before they're allowed to start school. It's too much... But that's a discussion for another time...

•• We were singing some songs today, and although he wasn't singing the words with me, he was humming along and he was really quite in tune. I was impressed. It made my music teacher self happy.

•• Who knew playing with packing peanuts could be so entertaining and fun? We played with a bunch of then tonight and had a grand old time throwing them at each other.

•• I've learned that we can avoid a lot of possible tantrums with the little dude by just preparing him for what is coming up next. If that means that we need to clean up to go somewhere, it goes much more smoothly if we are able to give him a specific time frame, like, "in 5 minutes we're putting toys away so we can go to the store." And generally speaking it is much less of an ordeal (and more often than not, no ordeal) than if we just spring it on him. Hopefully we'll be able to keep this up once our little lady joins the family...

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