Being a mom is hard work. And it makes it doubly hard when we forget to focus on the good things throughout the day. I am challenging myself (and anyone else who is interested) to find at least one "mommy win" in every single day.

Small or big, a win is a win.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 38

I have worried about my little guy's speech for a while. I know, I know. He's a boy, he's only two and a half, yadda, yadda, yadda... The point is, I have just wanted him to be able to be understood by people besides me and my husband.

One of the things he does is speak in the third person, all the time. I know this is quite normal for children. But part of the problem with this is that he can't say his name clearly so to most people, they have no idea that he is saying his name all the time.

I know he understands the concept of "me" and "you." A few weeks ago he randomly asked me about it to see if he was right - which he was. However, he hasn't used it much since then. Yesterday, though, I noticed that, although he would start his sentence with his name (instead of "I"), he would then be using "me," "my" or "mine" quite consistently in the rest of his sentence. This really made me so happy. It also reminded me that I don't need to worry about things like this as much as I do. He's a smart kid, and he has smart parents who can help him figure it all out.

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