I'm not sure how much of a win today was. Before 11:00AM I was able to accomplish several things including:
- Getting us both showered/bathed and dressed
- Both of us had breakfast
- I had two loads of laundry washed, one in the dryer
- My bed made (sadly, it doesn't happen every day)
However, it was a rough day. That list probably looks pretty impressive. But, when you consider what ALSO happened before 11:00, it's not as impressive. Because, also added to that list is:
- One time-out for the little dude (before 9:00AM - he only woke up at 8:15)
- One time-out for Mommy (given to me by the child...literally. He did to me what we do to him when he is in time-out. He turned off the light in my room and shut the door and wouldn't let me come out.)
- Two fits, complete with throwing himself on the floor
- Several instances of yelling and crying - by both mother and child
So, a tough day. Although I got a lot done in the morning it was not very pretty. Post lunch-time was better. We made some Valentines together, and he took the two little hearts I cut out and gave to him with him for his nap. That made me smile. Not a total loss today, but it sure was hard to keep a positive attitude and remain happy. I'll try harder tomorrow.
Edited to add: The day got much better after nap time. We were able to go visit the model trains that my dad does and that made the little guy very, very happy.
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