Being a mom is hard work. And it makes it doubly hard when we forget to focus on the good things throughout the day. I am challenging myself (and anyone else who is interested) to find at least one "mommy win" in every single day.

Small or big, a win is a win.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mommy Win - Days 21 & 22

Yes... I forgot to post something yesterday. However, I am NOT going to beat myself up about it, since that would defeat the whole purpose of trying to rid myself of "mommy guilt."

Anyway, my win from yesterday. I did not feel well yesterday, at all. I was weak and a little cranky, and had a hard time moving. I was able to sneak a little nap in before lunch, and I was still able to make us both lunch as well as make dinner for the family.

Today's win... The little man is still having a little bit of a case of the crankies. I'm not sure what exactly is going on, but it is getting hard to go more than an hour without some sort of yelling or crying. Going to bed is the hardest part. Of course he never wants to go to bed, but when he's had an uber cranky day, it's that much harder.

Tonight I was able to get him in his pajamas, and get him to clean up his toys and ready to read books with ZERO tears and ZERO "no's!" That, to me, is a big win. Because I know that if the bedtime routine goes poorly, it makes for a cranky everybody... Not just a little boy. It can ruin an entire evening.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 20

I completed everything on my to do list today. Granted, not everything turned out the way I was expecting or hoping, but I did it all. Whether this is nesting or medication, I don't care... I will take it! However, I hope that tomorrow brings me a much happier little boy. We had a serious case of the crankies today.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 19

A very silly win, but I seriously feel like shouting it from the rooftops...


I know. But really, this is a big deal for me, and for him. We discovered he had a dairy allergy at around 9 months. Only eating/drinking dairy, but if I was drinking it and he had it through breastmilk he never had a problem. And thank heavens for that. I am not sure that I would be strong enough to avoid dairy...

Anyway, he could tolerate certain types of cheeses and yogurts, and we would occasionally test him with other dairy products to see if his allergy had passed yet. Shortly after two years the allergy was gone. Whew! But he would not drink milk, at all. I could very occasionally get him to drink a sip or two from my cup, but that was the extent. He will eat his cereal with milk on it, and I think that's a big deal. But this afternoon I told him that milk was my very favorite thing to drink when eating Macaroni and Cheese (true story) and he got all excited and asked for milk, too. I gave him some expecting one or two sips, but he drank almost half of what I gave him.

Hallelujah! It really is the little things sometimes.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 18

I have a hard time not getting stressed about my child's sleeping and eating. It's always been this way. We had family dinner plans following church yesterday. It was going to be quite convenient because little dude's nap is at 2:00, which is when we are done with our church meetings. Theoretically he was going to fall asleep on the way home from church, we would stop to pick up my dad (who had stayed home due to a little illness) and then we would drive out to the family dinner, about an hour away. He'd get a decent nap in and we would all be happy and life would be perfect.


Of course he didn't fall asleep on the way home from church. In his defense, we were talking kind of loudly. Not a big deal. I figured he'd go to sleep within a few minutes of our drive to dinner. No.

Now, for most people it would not be a huge deal that their child hadn't taken a nap. And generally it doesn't bother me too much anymore. However, for whatever reason, this was the end of the world for me. I blame it on pregnancy hormones. I was so ridiculously upset that he wasn't napping. It took everything I had not to break down sobbing. Seriously. (Again, totally blaming the hormones on this one). Anyway, I knew that if I was going to have any chance at enjoying this time with my family, and being enjoyable to be around, I had to get control of myself. Not to mention I knew that if I went into the situation assuming that he was going to be terrible because of lack of sleep, he would be. Self-fulfilling prophecy and all that.

This is all to say that I finally got control of these wacky emotions, we arrived at my aunt and uncle's house, and honestly... everything went quite well. We had the slightest bit of trouble when it was time to leave (well after 6:00 - four hours past naptime) but really, it was not terrible. And, of course, he fell asleep within a few minutes of being on the road.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 17

I'm not entirely sure what my win is today.

It was a busy day. My sisters and mother threw me a wonderful baby shower and then we spent the rest of the day with two of my sisters. I do so love it when my little guy is able to have so much family time. He has a lot of fun with his cousins - especially his older ones - and it makes me so happy.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 16

This may not seem like a big deal to anyone else, but we went to McDonald's for lunch today, and he went into the play area completely by himself and climbed up to the top three or four different times. The fact that he went without requiring me to follow was huge! I did have to guide him a few times on how to climb up certain things, and he did get stuck on a few occasions, but he did it on his own! A huge moment for both of us.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 15

Today was a great day for me as a mother and a person. I have been feeling really good recently. Either proof that my medicine is working, or I'm nesting... Whatever it is, I'll take it!

I was able to clean our bathroom (it's only been on my "to do" list for at least two weeks...), do all our laundry - including the folding - get ready before the monkey woke up, and play lots of games with the little dude. And I felt great all day!

I was also able to start making a tie as well as a bow tie for the little man. He was absolutely THRILLED to pick out the fabrics for his ties. It was all he could talk about before his nap. And he was helping me cut out the patterns. He was just so happy and it made me so happy to be able to do something so simple and easy that brings him so much joy. Definite win.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 14

For the past two days, no tears while he was being dropped off at my sister's. I think I've finally found the way to do it so there is minimal drama. Hopefully it will continue to work!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 13

We were seriously out of groceries... And have been for nearly a week. Long story, but grocery shopping just hasn't been able to happen. But today was the day. Seriously, like do or die. Unfortunately I also had to work today. I know that's not an excuse, but it does mean that I was going to be doing grocery shopping with a little boy who had yet to take a nap at 3:30 in the afternoon.

We made it to the store without him falling asleep (a miracle!) and all the way through our nearly 45 minute shopping spree with no meltdowns and even without any crying or whining of any kind. He was awesome, and I had so much fun keeping him giggling and entertained while trying to still shop quickly. My favorite was asking him what he thought we should buy. For the record, he suggested: Macaroni and Cheese, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cheese, and Cookies. Haha. I love this kid, and, I probably don't say this enough but, I love being a mom.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Mommy Win -Day 12

Total wins: 7

Today I felt very productive. It has been a long time since I have felt this productive. I was able to mark several things off my list:

• I was dressed and ready for the day before the munchkin woke up.
• I had the little dude (who slept in past 9:00!!) breakfasted and dressed before 10:00.
• I put away one load of dishes, started another, and put that one away as well as cleaning up the kitchen after lunch. The kitchen was very clean today.
• I washed our sheets and blanket AND got the bed re-made before bedtime tonight.
• Took the little monster to the park, where he showed off his impressive climbing skills to a slightly terrified mother.
• Gave the stinky boy a bath :)
• Made a pan of brownies.

I know I accomplished a few more things today, but this will suffice for now.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 11

Total Wins - 1

He wanted to sing "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam" this afternoon. Instead of jumping on the word "sunbeam," he decided to play a make-shift instrument. He hit every beat correctly, and perfectly on time. It made this music teacher mommy very proud!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 10

After an exhausting night, and an extremely busy day today... We all survived.

Mommy Win - Day 9

I don't know why this didn't post last night...

Total Wins: 1

I went to work today, and had a really good day. And little man got to stay home and play with daddy all day. When we got home, we left for a quick trip up to Winslow for a funeral of a family member.

Little man was really good on the car ride. And even though, towards the end, he got tired and we were all a little cranky, we made it in one piece without any tears.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 8

Total Wins: 1

I made pancakes and homemade syrup for breakfast this morning.

I had a unexpectedly long afternoon, so I didn't get to see the little dude very much today. And unfortunately by the time my afternoon ended, I was extremely cranky. It was a long day... I'll stick with the happiness of the morning, though :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 7

Total wins: 1?

I'm not sure how much of a win today was. Before 11:00AM I was able to accomplish several things including:

  • Getting us both showered/bathed and dressed
  • Both of us had breakfast
  • I had two loads of laundry washed, one in the dryer
  • My bed made (sadly, it doesn't happen every day)

However, it was a rough day. That list probably looks pretty impressive. But, when you consider what ALSO happened before 11:00, it's not as impressive. Because, also added to that list is:

  • One time-out for the little dude (before 9:00AM - he only woke up at 8:15)
  • One time-out for Mommy (given to me by the child...literally. He did to me what we do to him when he is in time-out. He turned off the light in my room and shut the door and wouldn't let me come out.)
  • Two fits, complete with throwing himself on the floor
  • Several instances of yelling and crying - by both mother and child

So, a tough day. Although I got a lot done in the morning it was not very pretty. Post lunch-time was better. We made some Valentines together, and he took the two little hearts I cut out and gave to him with him for his nap. That made me smile. Not a total loss today, but it sure was hard to keep a positive attitude and remain happy. I'll try harder tomorrow.

Edited to add: The day got much better after nap time. We were able to go visit the model trains that my dad does and that made the little guy very, very happy.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 6

Total wins: 2

Win 1
My poor little guy still isn't feeling well. I put him down for a nap and he woke up after about 50 minutes, crying. I think it was because his fever broke so he was particularly uncomfortable. Anyway, he was only able to go back to sleep with me holding him. I convinced him to move to my bed, with me laying next to him. I thought I'd be able to block him in with some pillows once he was asleep and still get some things done. However, once he was asleep, he would wake anytime I tried to move. So, I just gave in and took a nap with him. It was nice. Once again, a reminder that soon things will be changing, and I won't have chances like this very often.

Win 2

We were all in an accident back on January 30th. Talk about a nightmare. We are all pretty OK, but mom and dad are both very sore. It has been extremely hard to keep up with the two-year old who doesn't stop as well as working a few days a week. Basically, I haven't cooked dinner for us since the accident. But tonight I made dinner! It was one of my favorite soups - taco soup - and it was delicious. It was also nice to be home this evening. I worked this morning in a music class (loved it!), took care of my little sicky, and was still able to make dinner. It felt really good.

Now my back is rather unhappy with me, so I am taking a break with my new medical belt that gives me a little massage as well as changes between hot and cold. It feels quite nice. Not worth getting in a car accident to be able to use one, but it is a nice little consolation prize.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 5

Total Wins: 1

The little man didn't feel too good today. He had a bit of a fever, but he was acting mostly fine and just needed some occasional extra cuddles today. He also woke up before 6:00 AM... Much too early, even though he went to bed quite early last night.

My win today was just enjoying the time cuddling and helping him feel better. It is nice to just slow down and enjoy the time with him before our time of just the two of us is changed.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 4

Wins today: 1

He was in bed before 8:00 and asleep by 8:30. Major, major win.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 3

Total Wins: 1

He tried something completely new for dinner and ate it all! I had to make a deal with him (I let him have his favorite cereal bar before dinner) in order to get him to eat it, but he ate the whole thing!

Friday, February 8, 2013

What's this all about?

This whole idea for this project came from a challenge my aunt posted a few years ago on her blog. She issued a challenge to do something creative every day for an entire year. I immediately knew I wanted to participate, but I knew I couldn't commit right away as I was going to be having a baby and didn't think I'd be able to keep up with it.

Since my life has found a new normal (just in time for it to be changed again by yet another addition) I have really wanted to find a way to participate in the challenge. I've also made a decision that I want to be done with "mommy guilt." Anyone who is a parent has undoubtedly experienced some feeling of guilt or worry about how they are raising their child. "Am I stimulating my child enough?" "Do I let him/her watch too much TV?" "My child is two but they can't read or write yet... They are doomed to failure for the rest of their lives!"

Ok, that last one may be just a teensy bit over the top. But you see what I mean. Mommy guilt is poisonous. And I've decided I'm done with it in my life. So, with that resolution, the desire to do something creative daily, as well as my wanting to focus on the positive things in life, Mommy Win was born.

This is not to give the impression that my life as a mother is perfect. It is oh so very far from it. I just want to focus on the positive. It is incredibly easy to dwell on and remember the negative. But I want to choose to be happy, and remember the good things throughout each day.

I can absolutely promise that not every win will be big. I fully expect to have days where my only win is that we all got dressed and ate three meals. I will likely share some of the not so fabulous moments of the day, just to assure you that my life is not perfect.

I hope this inspires others out there to focus on the good. Focus on the little wins each day. I'd love to hear any of your wins, as well. Feel free to share!

Any win, big or small, is still a win.

Mommy Win - Day 2

Total Wins today: 2

Win 1

This isn't necessarily something I did, but it is still a win. When I dropped the little dude off at his Aunt's for the day while I went to work, he didn't cry and he even gave me a kiss goodbye. Usually it involves a lot more crying and wailing, and gnashing of teeth... But today, just a little bit of nervousness, and then he was totally fine.

Win 2

After picking him up from my sister's house and driving home with him he had gotten upset because I wouldn't give him my phone. He then proceeded to throw the single most spectacular tantrum I've seen him throw to date. Did I mention it was after 4:00 and he hadn't had a nap yet?

Anyway, he screamed, often at the top of his lungs, for the remaining 12-15 minutes of the drive. I managed to completely keep my cool, never raise my voice, and wait for the tantrum to pass. It helped to remember that he was tired and really didn't have another way to express his frustration. Sometimes I forget he's a person and has the same capacity for emotion as anyone else, just not the ability to express everything he feels.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Mommy Win - Day 1

Lunch consisted of a grain, a vegetable, a fruit, a protein, and dairy. It was served with a side of chips. He ate the whole thing AND asked for seconds (which he also devoured).